Kodaikanalhomestays.net provides you with a complete list of premium, budget, and cheap Homestays and Resorts located in and around Kodaikanal incorporating all details such as facilities, tariff, location, contact details, etc.
More or less all homestays which portray the serene beauty of nature, located near waterfalls and Lakes have been listed by us. Homestays also provide facilities like a swimming pool, fishing, Lake rafting, plantation walk, Campfire, indoor-outdoor games, nature walk, team building games etc.
Helpline and booking ( 10am to 5pm) 9645941186 Chat ripplesholidays@gmail.com
Our primary concern amidst this COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic is nothing other than the health and safety of our guests. We strictly follow all safety protocols ordained by the Local and State government authorities and the Health Department.
Kodaikanal has several scenic natural attractions which are enjoyed by its visitors and make it a popular romantic destination for newlyweds. Many young people come for bike trips and leisure. It is also famous for home made chocolates and eucalyptus oil.
Some of the important tourist places are :-
Kodaikanal Lake,
Pillar Rocks Viewpoint
Silver Cascade Falls,
Berijam Lake
Guna caves,
Palni Hills
Sacred Heart College Museum,
Coaker's Walk
Kumbakkarai Falls,
Dolphin's Nose